Who are we?

The International Alliance for Women (TIAW) is a global charitable foundation dedicated to the economic empowerment and advancement of women all over the globe.

TIAW seeks to unite and support women and their associations around the world, leveraging their ideas and their strengths to develop and implement programs for the advancement and economic empowerment of women around the world.

Our commitment is to the ‘inclusive economy’ – uniting, supporting, and promoting women and their chosen networks across all continents, which in turn supports and strengthens the global economic fabric.

TIAW is for women who wish to not only network and unite to help each other, but also to help other women in need.

Around the world, women experience non-existent to very low levels of asset ownership, formal sector employment, decision making power and economic opportunity and earning than men. These gaps constrain economic growth and development.

TIAW members fund and support our signature program: Micro Credit. These investments have helped women lift themselves, their families, and their communities out of the cycle of poverty.

To celebrate our 45th year of service we are developing new education, mentoring and other support services for women entrepreneurs to ensure that their businesses are sustainable and that they, their businesses, and their communities do not just survive, but thrive.

Board Of Directors

  • Donna Meredith President
  • Katherine (Kathy) Brooks Secretary and Treasurer
  • Margaret (Peg) Weir Chair of Awards Committee
  • Diane Tompson Chair T(IAW)G
  • Soha El Baklawy VP Marketing
  • Michèle Piercey 1st VP/President Elect
  • Ching-Mei Maddock RVP Asia


#MarchForward – Sydney IWD Event

Thirty years ago, the world embraced a bold vision for gender equality through the UN’s Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Since then, women have broken barriers, influenced policies, and led powerful movements. Yet, despite these strides, millions of women worldwide are still waiting for the promises to be fully realised. We have not come […]

FCEM World Congress

23-25 October 2024

The 2024 FCEM World Congress was hosted by Women Chiefs of Enterprises International (WCEI) Australia in Sydney this year.

WOD Awardee Lunch – Sydney, Australia

21 October 2024

Once again we were able to celebrate in person with some of our Awardees or their representatives

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